Cranium n: der (knöcherne) Schädel; wird unterteilt in Neurocranium (Hirn-) u. Viscerocranium (Gesichtsschädel). Das Neurocranium besteht aus Schädelkalotte u. Schädelbasis, das Viscerocranium aus Augen-, Nasen- u. Mundhöhle, dem Zungenbein u. dem Gehörknöchelchen. 29 Knochen, die z.T. durch Nähte (Suturae) verbunden sind, werden unterschieden: Os frontale, Os temporale, Os parietale, Os occipitale, Os sphenoidale; Os ethmoidale, Os nasale, Os lacrimale, Concha nasalis inf., Vomer, Os zygomaticum, Os palatinum, Maxilla, Mandibula, Os hyoideum; Malleus, Incus, Stapes. Vgl. Desmocranium.

Desmo׀cranium (desmal*; Krani-*) n: Bindegewebsschädel; die Teile des Schädels (Cranium*), die entwicklungsgeschichtl. als Belegknochen entstehen: Stirn- u. Scheitelbein, Schuppe u. Pars tympanica des Schläfenbeins, oberer Teil d. Schuppe des Hinterhauptbeins, Oberkiefer, Joch-, Nasen-, Tränen-, Gaumen-, Pflugscharbein, Teile des Keil- u. Siebbeins, größter Teil des Unterkiefers, Processus ant. des Hammers.

O. pubis: Schambein; Teil des Os coxae. Teile: Corpus, Ramus inferior u. superior.

Pschyrembel: Klinisches Wörterbuch. 256. Auflage, Berlin-New York 1990

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4 Antworten zu

  1. walhalladada sagt:

    Wo ist der Geist Zwischenkieferknochen?

  2. sumuze sagt:

    they are all connected, aren’t they: Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh mercy how they scare!

    With the toe bone connected
    to the foot bone,
    and the foot bone connected
    to the ankle bone,
    and the ankle bone connected
    to the leg bone.
    Oh mercy how they scare!

    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh mercy how they scare!

    With the leg bone connected
    to the knee bone,
    and the knee bone connected
    to the thigh bone,
    and the thigh bone connected
    to the hip bone.
    Oh mercy how they scare!

    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh mercy how they scare!

    With the hip bone connected
    to the back bone,
    and the back bone connected
    to the neck bone,
    and the neck bone connected
    to the head bone,
    Oh mercy how they scare!

    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh mercy how they scare!

    With the finger bone connected
    to the hand bone,
    and the hand bone connected
    to the arm bone,
    and the arm bone connected
    to the shoulder bone,
    Oh mercy how they scare!

    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh those bones, oh those bones,
    oh those skeleton bones.
    Oh mercy how they scare!

    With the shoulder bone connected
    to the back bone,
    and the back bone connected
    to the neck bone,
    and the neck bone connected
    to the head bone.
    Oh mercy how they scare!
    Original Version:
    E-ze-kiel cried, „Dem dry bones!“
    E-ze-kiel cried, „Dem dry bones!“
    E-ze-kiel cried, „Dem dry bones!“
    Oh hear the word of the Lord.

    (tune ascends up in half steps, as in midi)

    The foot bone con-nected to the (pause) leg-bone,
    The leg bone connected to the (‚) knee bone,
    The knee bone connected to the (‚) thigh bone,
    The thigh bone connected to the (‚) back bone,
    The back bone connected to the (‚) neck bone
    The neck bone connected to the (‚) head bone
    Oh hear the word of the Lord!

    Dem bones, dem bones gon-na walk a-roun‘
    Dem bones, dem bones gon-na walk a-roun‘
    Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk aroun‘
    Oh hear the word of the Lord

    (tune descends in half steps and we retrace the body)

    The head-bone connected to the neck-bone,
    the neck-bone connected to the back-bone
    The backbone connected to the thigh-bone
    the thighbone connected to the kee-bone
    the kneebone connected to the leg bone
    the leg bone connected to the foot bone
    Oh hear the word of the Lord

    in behalf of ‚the prisoner‘ (i.e. #6)

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